Is your air conditioning prepared?

Is your air conditioning system ready for operation?

With summer fast approaching, now is the time to ensure your air conditioning is fully prepared for the changing seasons. If you only need your air conditioning for summer cooling then it has probably not been used for several months. During this period of inactivity condensation and dust may have accumulated on fans, filters and heat exchanger coils. This can often become a breeding ground for bacteria which creates sludge and unpleasant odours.

If you also use your air conditioning to provide winter heating, it has probably collected lots of dirt and grime during that period. The colder conditions, even in relatively mild winters, encourage us to keep windows and other ventilation tightly closed. This reduces the amount of fresh air entering your building, leading to higher concentrations of dust and other airborne pollutants. Air conditioning works by recirculating air within the internal space, progressively cooling or heating it in accordance with user-controlled settings. Therefore, any fine particles being carried by the air will naturally end up in the filters, fans and fins of your air conditioning. read more